Precision Battery watering systems.
Water Filling System
It is imperative that batteries are hydrated, and our range of hydration systems make this process reliable and easy. Compared to manual hydration, our hydration products are a safer option as they keep eyes and face away from battery hazards and avoid exposure to electrolytes. Our battery hydration systems accurately fill the cells to the correct level, which not only extends battery life but also makes the process quick and simple for the operator.

- Instant-Install is a fully assembled system, the first in the battery industry.
- The entire Water Injector “chain” is custom assembled in our factory, matched and ready to install on each specific battery type.
- Fully installed on a battery in 3 minutes by your staff.
- Installation can be done at the time of production or on our customers site, simply by placing the injectors into the cells.

Our water deionizers are the most cost-effective source of pure water, reducing the high price of purchasing bottled water, distilling water, or using reverse osmosis. They come with everything you need to make your own pure water right from your own tap, resulting in longer battery life and Forklift run time. On-site pure water generation eliminates the need to store large supplies of deionized water, freeing up precious space in your battery room.